It was quite an undertaking for someone to get me to start an online shop, but I did it back on 11/11/11 at Etsy. Since that time I have sold a mere 100 items online and some items at craft shows. All in all I love the whole process. Then...Etsy decided to change their business model. They are not, in my opinion, the website who is helping the seller who is actually making their items by hand, designing them, photographing them and posting them at .20 cents a pop. They appear to me to be catering to big business. Since this change, my views and efforts seem to be for naught. I certainly have paid my fair share of search ads with NO results. This was NOT the case prior to the change. Paying for search ads actually worked prior to the changes and it was great for my shop. That all came to a halt when Etsy rolled out their new model.
So, I am steadily closing down my Etsy shop and moving items over to my new SacredStrandsbyCarol shop over to Zibbet. Please won't you take a look or forward, or pin me or like something on my Facebook page or tweet if you like anything you see.
I want to go ahead and sell off my items, and all my materials because I can no longer afford to sell online.
Please let me know if you have been affected by Etsy's change in business model.
Thanks for reading!
Sacred Strands by Carol